Sunday 8 August 2010

The Yellow Brick Road

We live in exciting times. With the advent of the first coalition government this country has seen for several decades, it seems a fitting moment for me, a Lib Dem, to (self-indulgently) chronicle my thoughts about the events and trials that will define The Coalition™ in the months ahead. Another more selfish reason for this blog is that I am an aspiring journalist and so here I also aim to document my experience in breaking down the doors to my chosen profession. So, here goes...

I am a card carrying Liberal Democrat and in the months leading up to May's general election I was Lib Dem party activist in the North West, and more specifically around Manchester. I say 'was a Lib Dem party activist' because I do not know if this is something I will aim to continue doing.

Which brings us on to the title of this, my illustrious little blog, Crossing the Floor. This refers to my ongoing dilemma regarding what I see as the party's difficulty in carving out a specific political identity for itself as the flag-bearer of liberal politics. What does it mean to be a liberal today? Here I hope to thrash out these questions and you’re more than welcome to come along for the ride…


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